Chris Roys is the chief executive of Jessie May, a children’s hospice at home service established 21 years ago and covering six Clinical Commissioning Group areas in the west of England. Chris qualified as a social worker in 1980 and worked for many years in the north of England with teenagers as alternatives to care and custody. Working with Save the Children, he subsequently spent many years overseas in Africa and in Eastern Europe, providing humanitarian assistance in Rwanda, Bosnia, Sierra Leone and Kosovo. In 2004, having completed an MBA with the Open University, Chris moved to Bristol to take up his current role. Under Chris’s leadership, Jessie May has grown from supporting around 45 children and families and a turnover of under £400,000 to today supporting 150 families and a turnover of £1.2m.
Providing a children’s palliative care service in the community
Chris Roys talks about the work of Jessie May nurses supporting babies, children and young people with life-limiting conditions, and their families, in their own homes and community.