Robbie Spence is a welfare benefits adviser and trainer at Disability Rights UK, the national charity that publishes the Disability Rights Handbook. He has 30 years’ experience as a welfare benefits adviser for local authorities and charities, including Disability Rights UK, the London Borough of Newham, Essex County Council, Action on Hearing Loss (formerly RNID) and London Advice Services Alliance.
Robbie has appeared on Radio 4’s Money Box disability benefits phone-in and has published a webinar on mandatory reconsideration. He has written the Disability Rights Handbookchapters on tax credits and on claims and appeals, and Disability Rights UK appeals factsheets.
Disability benefits
Robbie Spence from Disability Rights UK talks about the latest changes to the range of benefits available for children and adults affected by a genetic disorder including Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, universal credit and the bedroom tax.