Confidentiality Policy

Confidentiality Policy

Gene People’s Helpline is a confidential service. We do not share details of email or telephone enquiries outside of the charity.

There are, however, some circumstances where we would need to break confidentiality.

  • When we feel a caller or someone a caller talks about is in life-threatening danger and the caller has given their contact details to us.
  • When we have the caller’s consent to speak to a third party.
  • When we feel a caller is deliberately preventing us from carrying out our service.
  • When a caller threatens staff, and it is felt their safety may be at risk.
  • When we have a court order to divulge information.
  • When we have bomb warnings or information about terrorism.


When we receive an email, it is possible for the helpline worker to see your email address which is confidential within the charity. The helpline worker may email you with a summary of the discussion you had, and the information given to you about your condition and situation. We have no means of tracing you unless you give us your contact details (phone number/address). Any information you give us is stored securely.