There is a range of benefits available for families. The Government recognises having a disabled child is considerably more expensive than a non-disabled one Families often don’t apply for benefits either because they don’t know what’s out there for them, because they’re scared of the forms or because they feel they should just get on with it.

This section will explain what’s available now, how to apply, and what to do if you are turned down.

The key benefits and grants are:


The main benefit for anyone aged 16 and under with a disability. For more information DLA visit


  1. A benefit available to a carer who earns less than £100 a week.
  2. Your child must receive a qualifying benefit (see DLA).
  3. You can’t receive certain other benefits. You must not be a full-time student.
  4. Carer’s Allowance is currently £62.70 a week.

For more information on carers’ allowance and how to claim click here


You might need to adapt your home to meet the needs of your child. For example, if your child needs a downstairs bedroom because it’s too difficult to lift them upstairs, or if doors need widening for wheelchair access.

The grant is made by your local authority and can be up to £30,000.

An occupational therapist will visit your home and make an assessment and recommend the types of adaptations your child needs.

The grant is not means tested for children under 19.

For more information on the Disabled Facilities Grant and how to claim click here


This entitles you to parking concessions and parking in disabled bays when your child is with you. For more information on the blue badge scheme click here


A charity which provides lease cars for the disabled. For more information on motability click here

Vehicle Road Tax Exemption:

If your child is on the higher rate of the mobility component for Disability Living Allowance and you have a vehicle that is being used for the direct purposes of the disabled child, you can apply for a Road Tax Exemption certificate (DLA 404).

How to apply for an exemption certificate:

Contact the Disability Benefits Unit on 0845 712 3456 (7.30 am to 6.30 pm Monday to Friday).

For more information on vehicle road tax exemption click here


Many utilities providers give rebates for families with disabled children.

Watersure is a scheme run by water companies to cap rates. It allows for the extra washing required with certain medical conditions.

You must have a water meter fitted.

To check for eligibility and if your water company complies go to

*With a disabled child you might qualify for priority servicing and repair under the gas and electricity companies’ Priority Service Register. Contact your suppliers.


If you use a room specifically to ‘meet the needs of the disabled person’ you might qualify for a council tax reduction.

So, if you use store specialist equipment or use a room for treatment. Your council might then consider you have one less room in the house and reduce your council tax band.

Visit to enter your postcode where you will then be taken to your local council’s page on housing benefit and council tax support


If your child is eligible for DLA or is registered blind you might qualify for extra Child Tax Credit.
If the Highest Rate Care Component of Disability Living Allowance is paid for your child, you may get an additional payment for their severe disability.

You can still qualify for the extra money even if the Disability Living Allowance stops because your child goes into hospital.

The amount of extra Child Tax Credit you receive depends on how much care your child needs. In this tax year – 6 April 2018 to 5 April 2018 – you could get up to approximately:

  • £3,175 a year if your child is disabled (on top of the child element)
  • £1,290 a year if your child is severely disabled (on top of the child element

The amount also depends on other money you have coming in.

Disability Living Allowance doesn’t count as income when your tax credits are worked out.

Other benefits like Carer’s Allowance do count as income and can reduce your tax credit payments.

Call the Tax Credit Helpline on 0345 300 3900 for more information.


Through its membership of Benefits and Work, Genetic Disorders UK has access to a variety of guides to assist you in your application for benefits. To access theses guide email

Disability Benefits Helpline

If you have a query about a DLA claim you’ve already made for your child contact the Disability Benefits Helpline on 0345 605 6055

Child Disability Help

Child Disability Help provides vital support to families in the UK with a child who has a disability


Citizens Advice Bureau

The Citizens Advice Bureau offers advice on benefits available to families to help with the extra costs of having a child with a disability


Phone: 03444 111 444